Following the Newtown school shooting, Connecticut is attempting to pass into a law a bill which would cover treatment costs for mental injury stemming from the workplace. The bill will only cover future incidents of mental injury stemming from work-related trauma; however, a special fund is being planned to cover…
Recently a man was found guilty of workers’ compensation fraud after a private investigator filmed him at the gym doing some serious weightlifting. Apparently he had a doctor’s note stating he could only lift 10 lbs. Well, this video proves him wrong. A picture may be worth a thousand words,…
On April 12, 2012, Attorney James K. Meehan attended the annual National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) Workers’ Compensation Panel Meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Over several days, the group, comprising workers’ compensation attorneys nationwide, addressed issues confronting professional athletes injured while playing. This year’s meeting included lengthy discussions regarding…
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