
Massachusetts Injury Lawyers Blog


Recent Appeal Highlights Requirements of Massachusetts Medical Malpractice Tribunal

In Massachusetts medical malpractice actions, the injured person must take extra steps by going before a tribunal before formally entering the circuit court process. The injured party’s case has to be approved by a tribunal primarily made up of members of the medical community. In its creation of these panels, the…


Workers’ Compensation Reviewing Board Upholds Award of Average Weekly Wage, Considers Issue of Earning Capacity

Many types of Massachusetts workers’ compensation benefits are directly paid after proof of treatment or travel is provided to the employer’s insurer. Some, like lost wages, require the application of a formula found in Massachusetts’ General Laws. This formula takes a percentage of the highest wage paid over a period…


Massachusetts Appeals Court Decision Demonstrates The Need for Specificity in a Residuary Clause

Wills sometimes include a residuary clause to help cover items in the estate that were not specifically bequeathed. These remaining possessions and property are dealt with after the other gifts have been dispersed. The Massachusetts Appeals Court recently dealt with questions surrounding a residuary clause in a recent case (No. 16-P-715).…


Workers’ Compensation Reviewing Board Upholds Medical Benefits Awarded to Injured Traveling Nurse

Determining if an injured employee is eligible for workers’ compensation benefits is straightforward if the accident occurs at the work site. It is not as clear if the worker is injured while traveling to and from locations. Workers’ compensation benefits are awarded to those injured while performing acts for the…


Massachusetts Appeals Court Directs Insurance Company to Cover Owner’s Claim in Dog Bite Case

When seeking damages through a personal injury lawsuit, the goal is to become “whole,” or as you were prior to the injury. Some of the damages are to help cover the costs during this period like lost wages. Others are to help pay for the medical care received after the…


Massachusetts Appeals Court Reviews Work-Related Psychiatric Injury Claim

In Massachusetts, an injured worker can receive workers’ compensation benefits for a work-related injury that aggravated a pre-existing condition as long as the injury is a major cause of the disability. This differs from the requirements for psychiatric injuries under G. L. c. 152, § 1(7A), which place a higher…


Massachusetts Appellate Court Upholds Grantor’s Reserved Appointment Power

Estate planning is much more than dividing your belongings and assets after death. Estate planning can include the strategic use of property law to maximize assets for medical care. A recent appellate decision (16-P-282) discusses which type of control a grantor can maintain after executing a deed through a special power of…


Massachusetts Appeals Court Allows Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against City to Proceed

When personal injury cases are filed against a government entity, an injured person faces challenges unique to this type of defendant. Case law in Massachusetts and elsewhere grants governmental bodies immunity from civil lawsuits. The idea is that the government body should not be distracted by civil litigation defense so that…


Massachusetts Appellate Court Looks at Unfair Settlement Claim by Seriously Injured Passenger in Rental Car Accident

Auto insurance is designed to provide benefits after an accident to help streamline payments and help the injured parties heal. During a stressful, unusual time, an insured may not be in the state of mind to ensure the company has her or his best interests in mind. To protect consumers,…

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